yes, we hired Airbnb to make a video of us, hit “play” to understand 😉
Become a Green Traveler! Grab a bag or order your clean-up kit, collect trash found in nature during your next trip and post a picture with #mygreentrip to inspire other members of your community. A simple action multiplied by million can change the world. And it starts with you.
Ready ? We are happy to count you onboard 🙂
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« Une simple action, multipliée par des millions, peut changer le monde ». C’est effectivement dans l’idée de sensibiliser et responsabiliser chacun d’entre nous, sous ma casquette d’organisatrice de voyage, de maman et de touriste, que j’ai la fierté d’être liée à My Green Trip et d’avoir pu emporter avec moi le KIT durant nos vacances familiales en Sardaigne. L’avoir sur soi, dans son sac à dos, est le premier pas à l’éveil. S’en suit une sensibilité différente, une attention particulière à cette problématique durant le voyage et pour finir le passage à l’action à portée de main d’une évidence incroyable!
Estefania Reyes, Product Manager at VTVacances, mom and tourist, Switzerland
The kids loved the clean up and the educational effect has been amazing. They see now all the trash lying around and point to it!!! They talk about their schoolmates who were throwing trash on the floor and that they will tell them next time not to do it. They asked about the plastic in the ocean and where it comes from and, and, and...!!!
Urban, dad in vacation
We collect the litter on the beach that we see, but the most important is we try to sensibilise our students / customers of the problematic to encourage them to recycle. We partner with My Green Trip because we believe in a change for our planet and My Green Trip is going to that direction. Protecting nature from litter is a simple idea and powerful when we are many to do it. "What makes the difference of a plastic bottle, said 7 billions people !!!" 🙂
Alex Hülsberg, Manager of Aloha Surf Academy, Fuerteventura, Spain
We partner with My Green Trip because we think there is a great opportunity to impact both, our beautiful island and our conscious travelers, by inviting them to actively preserve the natural spaces they will fall in love with. My Green Trip facilitates us the tools and the support (community) for every traveller to put their grain of sand shamelessly and, tour after tour, day after day, achieve our goal of a cleaner Mauritius.
Romina Tello, Manager of Mauritius Conscious, Mauritius