19 Mar Vamos a bailar en Cuba
Vamos a bailar la salsa en Cuba!
We are very pleased to share more with you about our first pilot of the year. As you may have read, the way we want to develop My Green Trip is to work with tourism organisations across the world to spread the word « Let’s clean the planet together ».
Venga organizes personalized trips and thematic group trips in Latin America. In last february, Laurent and Alia, the salsa teachers, organized a Salsa camp of 2 weeks in Cuba, La Havana. About 15 travelers enjoyed a great mix of travel, discovery of local culture with locals, learning of dance, music and some relaxing time.
After a salsa class and before jumping into a well deserved sea bath, the team spent one hour collecting trash and litter on the beach of Tarara. My Green Trip supplied them with branded bags and gloves and they started collecting, under the look of some Cubans who were a bit surprised to see this. Tourism affects a lot Cuba, on a positive aspect first, as it brings revenues to the country, but tourism also impacts environment at a strong pace.
In the end, the 15 Green Travelers collected about 5 full bags of trash and expressed positive feedbacks. « I am not sure I would have done it alone » says one of them, « I may do it next time when I will travel ». Little by little, change happen 🙂
Next edition in February 2018 : link
Vamos a bailar and vamps a lumpiar el mundo todos juntos !!